
e-News - 23 January 2013

ECHA e-News

23 January 2013

Have you already registered to ECHA's Stakeholders' Day?

The Eighth Stakeholders' Day conference takes place in Helsinki on 26 March. The programme includes three plenary sessions: Registration and REACH 2013; evaluation and communication in the supply shain; as well as risk management and applications for authorisation. The day offers participants the chance to hear the latest news and updates from ECHA, European industry associations and NGOs through presentations, one-to-one and informal networking sessions. The deadline for registering is Tuesday 5 March. Participation to the conference is free of charge.

Conference programme >
Conference registration >
Event page >

ECHA stops translating its news alerts and press releases

Since spring 2010, ECHA has provided translations of most of its press releases and news alerts in 22 official EU languages. ECHA has reviewed this service and has found that in fact they are very seldom used. The Agency has therefore decided to discontinue this service as not representing best value for public money. This does, however, otherwise not affect ECHA's communication tools and products. The Agency will continue to translate most pages of its website and particularly all documentation that is of use to small companies and the general public, including Guidance documents, practical guides, and other useful information. Most of this information is currently available in 22 official EU languages and will also soon be provided in Croatian too.


ECHA recommends 10 SVHCs for authorisation

17 January 2013

The recommended chemicals are classified as carcinogenic or toxic to reproduction and are used in applications where there is potential for worker exposure.

More >


Register now for a webinar on "How to bring your registration dossier in compliance with REACH: tips and hints part 2"

The webinar takes place on Monday 28 January, from 11:00 to 14:00 Helsinki time (GMT +2).

Register >
Webinar schedule >


Express your interest to participate in a Scientific workshop on risk assessment for the sediment compartment

The workshop takes place from 7 to 8 May 2013 in Helsinki. It aims to bring together experts in the field of sediment risk assessment to brainstorm and develop updated scientific principles for assessing the ecological risks of chemical substances for freshwater and marine sediments. Participation to the workshop is possible by invitation only. You can express your interest to take part by 31 January 2013.

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Information about the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Regulation available in 22 EU languages

17 January 2013

To change the language, go to the drop down menu on the top right corner of the website.

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Open positions

ECHA has open calls for a Legal Support Officer and a Human Resources Assistant.

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European Chemicals Agency
P.O.Box 400 FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland